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Bipods ~ What's The Craic, Please?

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Ok, hands up; Firing Dean O's .17 HMR, me layed out flat, rifle on it's 'pod, rag stuffed under the butt? It wasn't even sporting. The f*cking target had No Chance!


That was two or three weeks ago now. And it's been eating at me ever since - I now realise. In fact, I've even taken to going out in a cheap but waterproof jacket and will always consider laying flat on the ground for a shot.


Yeah. I'm becoming converted! :icon_eek:


Today though, a Hooded Crow proved the catalyst: I'd been drifting around for an hour or two, looking out for one. At my very last port of expectation, I managed to find one that hadn't seen me a mile hence. This one was sat in a safe tree. Cawing to the wind. Completely oblivious of me, almost a hundred yards away and eyeing him up from the other side of a gate.


I considered the top bar shot. Remembered what I'd learned, down on the Bog, playing with Dean's rifles. I layed down in the muck and rested my fore end on the bottom rail of the gate. Just the height a bipod would make it. It felt good.


Being, maybe, a bit greedy for that locked on, immovable cross hair that the rag under the butt gave me, I f*cked up. I bunched my left fist and propped the butt on that. Settled the cross right on Joe's heart. Savoured the moment. Squeezed. And just caught his foreward glide as my round passed him. If I'd struck him at that range? He'd have exploded and dropped like a stone. I f*ckin missed!


Well, I've got over it now. I've also realised my mistake. The muzzle would have moved fractionally on that steel gate bar as the powder ignited and the round twisted up the barrel. Spread legs of a pod and I'd have blown that crow away. I'm a fast learner and I'm pissed. I Want a Harris Bipod!


But here's where we came in. Last time I enquired about pods, I was shown a site that sells them. There must be about thirty differant damn refinements of the idea! :icon_eek: Could anyone, please, simplify it a bit for me? NEF Handy Rifle. Wooden forend. What Harris(s) will best suit my pig?



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Quick Bipod Guide...


The 6-9" are designed for benchrest shooting


The 9-13", benchrest AND fieldwork prone


The 12-25", rough fieldwork and sitting position


If you only ever target shoot on a range buy a fixed bipod, for all other applications ALWAYS buy a swivel!


By far the most popular is the 9-13 swivel!!


This is only a GUIDE, it's a free world...you are allowed to do whatever you like with each one!


The standard fitting on most bipods, including the Harris is to the forward stock stud. Other fitting are available to suit certain stocks, barrels, etc


This will help you a lot:





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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:hmm: Cheers for that, mate. Explains everything far more concisely. So I guess I'd be best advised to go with the length they say is most popular (9-13"). Only, I'm still not entirely sure on what the " Swivel " bit's all about. Wondering if that means ye can 'Pan' from side to side, or something else. And, if something else; Can ye pan anyway?


I realise these are questions I should have sorted out / remembered from my brief experiance of Dean's one. But I was really just having a lark there and found it all so easy I became bored after a few rounds! It really did take all the challenge out of placing the shots.


But then; I'm not out to be challenged. I need to kill what I shoot at. Simple as that. If I can get my hands on one of these things and get it working for me as Dean O's set up did? F*ck help what ever I catch napping!


No wonder they're so bloody popular! They're f*cking great! :D

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:hmm: Cheers for that, mate. Explains everything far more concisely. So I guess I'd be best advised to go with the length they say is most popular (9-13"). Only, I'm still not entirely sure on what the " Swivel " bit's all about. Wondering if that means ye can 'Pan' from side to side, or something else. And, if something else; Can ye pan anyway?


I realise these are questions I should have sorted out / remembered from my brief experiance of Dean's one. But I was really just having a lark there and found it all so easy I became bored after a few rounds! It really did take all the challenge out of placing the shots.


But then; I'm not out to be challenged. I need to kill what I shoot at. Simple as that. If I can get my hands on one of these things and get it working for me as Dean O's set up did? F*ck help what ever I catch napping!


No wonder they're so bloody popular! They're f*cking great! :D




Swivel means the gun can tilt from side to side...example..on a fixed bipod on a slope/uneven ground you could not get the gun straight, on a swivel version on the same ground the bipod will still be on the slope but you can tilt the gun to get it straight. Much better than trying to adjust the legs to a fraction on an inch..then to find a leg starts to sink! This is simple tilt of the gun. Left and right movement is still limited.


And yes..they are great..it makes it almost unfair on the quarry!


I have the 9-13 swivel with notched legs, brilliant on ALL my guns!

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Swivel means that they attach to the sling swivel fittings in the front of the forend rather than are screwed into the stock permanenetly and are therefore easily removable.




Don't listern to this numpty he doesn't know what he's no about :doh:


The swivel bipods legs are not fixed ridged they have some side to side movement, so if you were shooting on uneven ground you can still try and keep the crosshairs level.

I've taken you some pics of mine on my CZ 452 hope this helps.


Harris Bipod LMS



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Also I went with the one with noched legs


Hope this helps DS :thumbs:



Yep! 9-13 swivel with notched legs is mine to. Quick and easy...Lists around £100, Available Brand New from several suppliers for around £75.

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i couldn't get on with the swivel bipod, the fixed bipod just felt better for me, yes there has been the odd time when it wasn't level but a bit of weight on one leg sorts it out, i'd suggest trying one first,


saying that i went for the 27" max length pod i'm a long person and shoot around alot cover, once you get used to sitting you can shoot tight groups at 100yards, also on my permission prone is frowned upon/banned and i regularly shoot foxes at 250yards which i consider the max range of my gun/ammo/terrain, and with very little fieldcraft you should get to that range


but all told the very best £95 i've ever spent to do with a rifle................but definately only get harris, i haven't seen another realisticly comparable!!

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Harris do a podlock for all their swivel bipods it allows you to "adjust or lock the swivel knob on all "S" bipod with an easy to control lever", this is why I went for the swivel model you get the best of both worlds.


Anyone interested check out the link below




Edited by young1982
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